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5 ways to improve your chances of securing an SAP Job

5 ways to improve your chances of securing an SAP Job

The SAP job market is very competitive and challenging and more and more professionals are opting for it. There is much to choose from in terms of position. So how can one improve one’s chances for career and get selected for a job?

1) Networking

One has to keep in touch with clients and business setups. Networking helps one with greater opportunities for work. One must make the effort to stay in touch with colleagues. It is indeed useful to make new contacts and keep in touch with user groups and make contacts with SAP conferences.

  • One must make use of social media as well for SAP professional networking.
  • LinkedIn, for example, has become an essential networking tool for SAP consultants. One can go in for online networking for SAP Consultants.
  • It is essential to contribute comments/blogs and SAP and thus make rather meaningful contacts.
  • Other useful sites for SAP professionals are Twitter, Xing, Facebook and Google Plus and others as well.

2) Stay updated with the latest SAP Development

The SAP job market is indeed very dynamic. SAP Consulting is an important SAP skill and one must have the requisite qualifications as well as the technical knowledge that is up to date. One can make use of spare time to attend training sessions and also work towards SAP certifications and other industry-related qualifications. One can gain experience with the latest SAP releases/enhancement packs that will, in fact, be much favorable to one’s search for the right SAP job. One must acquire various SAP skills.

3) Become Fluent in Languages

It is important to know more than one language as it helps one to equip oneself better in SAP skills. SAP employers prefer such talented employees. Speaking the local official language or the language is spoken at the client’s subsidiaries could be of great help, especially for international SAP rollout projects. Indeed English is the global language of business, but it is advantageous to learn and gain proficiency in other languages, for example, French.

Consultants who are keen on working in Germany which is supposed to be the home of SAP, it is important to learn German.
By knowing language one can have access to more SAP jobs and chances of getting selected for the particular job are good.

5 ways to improve your chances of securing an SAP Job4) Opt for a Good SAP Recruitment Agencies :

The majority of SAP Consultants do find their jobs and SAP Contracts usually via recruitment agencies. Therefore choosing the right recruitment agency to work does help in landing a good SAP position. One must keep an updated CV and also maintain good contacts for a successful career in SAP.

What do you need to consider about an SAP recruitment agency?

* Does it specialize in SAP?
* Does it focus on the geographical area one wants to work in?
* Does it they work at competitive rates, fees, margins?
* Does it have a good reputation within the respective SAP community?
* Will the given agency represent one in a professional cum ethical manner?
* Does the agency happen to deliver a larger SAP client portfolio?

5) Ensure your SAP CV is the best it can be

Writing an effective SAP CV is the basic foundation for building up a fruitful SAP career. One must focus on an updated and impressive CV as the future employer will consider one for SAP job based upon the merit of the CV. It should attract attention and a call for the impending interview.

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